Toxic Waste Threat and August Tarpon

I see wade fishermen shoulder-deep by ten o'clock. I was assured when I moved to Texas thirty years ago, if I didn't like the weather all I had to do was wait a few hours. It's going on a month and still every day seems hotter than the last. Welcome to August!

You may have noticed this on local news, CCA Texas has joined with Galveston Bay Foundation to encourage removal of an extremely dangerous toxic waste site where the San Jacinto River enters Galveston Bay. Dating back to the 1960s when waste disposal seems to have been directed largely by "out of sight, out of mind" thinking, highly toxic paper mill wastes were buried along the banks of the San Jacinto. Originally above the water levels of the river and bay, capping-in-place was practiced in belief that the toxic threat would remain safely contained. That was before nearly fifty years of subsidence, erosion and hurricanes. Leakage of dioxins and other carcinogens into Galveston Bay prompted TPWD to publish fish consumption advisories several years ago, most notably for speckled trout. The EPA and TCEQ are the agencies that will direct either another cap-in-place or complete removal of this threat. CCA Texas and Galveston Bay Foundation are strongly encouraging the latter and calling you to get involved. Your voice can help influence action that will be taken and writing your legislators is the best way to express your concern. Learn more on CCA Texas and Galveston Bay Foundation websites.

Texas tarpon are a bucket list species for many anglers and August presents some of the best opportunity to pursue them along beachfronts and nearshore waters. August weather patterns typically include light onshore wind and calm seas perfect for small-boat angling and spotting rolling tarpon. In this issue Joe Richard shares his many years of tarpon experience to hopefully enable readers to land one of these magnificent trophies. Nearshore opportunities abound for other species as well during August and help insure excitement and angling success, should the silver kings prove elusive.

You will notice a new face atop our Port Mansfield column. Tricia Whitley began sharing her fishing wisdom and experiences with TSFMag readers in 2003 and hasn't missed an issue in thirteen years. My words cannot express how much she has been appreciated and how much we will miss her. Wayne Davis, a twenty-year Lower Laguna veteran with ten years guiding experience will take over. Please join me in welcoming Wayne.

We have a full month remaining to take the kids fishing before schools reopen. Get them signed up for the CCA STAR Tournament and get them on the water. They could be the lucky winner of $50,000 college scholarship!