Revamping Their Venom

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
One of the most effective treatments for a venomous bite or sting in humans is anti-venom, which is manufactured from...

Parrotfish Farmers Protect Coral

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Farmers don’t typically grow crops on all of their land simultaneously – they rotate crops and leave some land fallow...

Sea Snakes Go Black in the City

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Most turtle-headed sea snakes throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans have black-and-white banded bodies—unless they swim in city waters. Instead...

Clownfish Need Healthy Anemones

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Nemo may have been interested in exploring the great big ocean, but his dad Marlin’s attachment to their anemone is...

A Massive but Elusive Sunfish

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
New discoveries in the ocean never end, but sometimes even the ocean’s largest animals can evade scientists. It takes perseverance,...