A Familiar Flip of the Fin
Whether it’s a swagger or waddle, a strut or a prance, the way a person
walks can reveal a lot about their personality before they say a word. It
turns out, the same may be true for fish. We don’t exactly have words,
yet, for what a swordfish’s swagger or a sturgeon’s strut might look like,
but scientists may soon. A group of researchers recently documented
the fin movements of three-spined sticklebacks and found them
to be distinctive enough to identify each fish by how it swam. Those
movements revealed traits of the fish’s “micro-personality” in the same
way a person’s gait can suggest they’re shy or outgoing, confident or
anxious, bold or cautious.
Three-spined sticklebacks have long fascinated scientists because their
physical characteristics vary greatly within populations. Most species
live in saltwater but breed in fresh or brackish water. Most are social
and demonstrate complex reproductive behaviors, such as building
nests and caring for their eggs. Their diversity and complex behaviors
make them useful for studies of evolution and how populations differ
To learn about their swimming styles, researchers filmed 15 sticklebacks
in three tanks with different arrangements of plastic plants. Each fish
used a set of unique movement patterns they repeated frequently
enough that researchers could soon tell which fish was which simply by
their movements, regardless of which tank they were in. Being able to
identify a fish by how it swims could have implications for how scientists
track fish in the open water, possibly helping improve the ability to learn
about fish populations, to protect threatened species and to manage
fisheries sustainably.