Clouser’s Flies, by Bob Clouser

Clouser’s Flies, by Bob Clouser

If you've ever fly-fished you might have heard of a fellow named Bob Clouser. If not, perhaps you know of his famous baitfish pattern- the Clouser Minnow. The Clouser Minnow is one of the most widely used and highly productive flies in existence. There is at least one Clouser Minnow stuck in nearly every fly box in the country, and for good reason- it will catch fish. Though Bob Clouser is best known as the creator of this baitfish pattern, he has made many other significant contributions to the world of fly tying and angling.

In his recent book, Clouser's Flies, Bob Clouser gives readers an in-depth look at the history and development of his unique fly patterns, which range from small benthic imitators like hellgrammites and crawfish all the way up to foot-long baitfish patterns. Bob also provides in-depth descriptions of how to fish each of his flies, and he shares some of the tricks he uses to consistently draw strikes. The full color plates in Clouser's Flies are beautifully photographed and the stepwise instructions for tying Bob's patterns are easy to interpret.

When browsing through a compilation of Clouser's fly patterns, one notices a single trait they all share- simplicity. There's no fluff, no bonus features, and no complicated delicacies in Bob Clouser's creations. They reflect both form and function, demonstrating his insightful understanding of predator and prey. It's what I like to call, "The economy of skill." Whether you tie your own flies, or just have a thirst for learning more about angling, I think you will enjoy Clouser's Flies.

Clouser's Flies

By Bob Clouser
174 pp. Stackpole Books. $39.95
ISBN: 978-0-8117-0148-8