Bluewater Tackle

Well, we hope some of you have managed to get offshore this spring, but it has been tough. The wind has really been blowing. Now that summer has started somebody needs to remind the wind that it needs to relax. When it does, before you decide to head for deep water, check your tackle and make sure you are prepared. This month we thought we would go over a complete tackle list that you might want to have on board for bluewater fishing. Not everything is essential until you need it! Seriously, this is a comprehensive list and we have started with the basics, and continuing to more advanced gear. Here goes.
Basic Big Game Tackle and Tool List
-Mono Cutters: For cutting monofilament leaders, line, etc.
-Cable Cutters: Felco C7 or Hi Seas brand.
-Stainless Scissors: Easy to find at your local office supply.
-Crimping tool and assorted size crimps matching your leader.
-Loop Protectors: Protects monofilament from chafing.
-Fishing Pliers: For twisting wire, cutting, de-hooking and more!
-Stainless Hook-Out Pliers
-Tool kit: To include pliers, crescent wrench, screw drivers, Allen wrenches, etc.
-Bait knife
-Waxed string: For rigging natural and live baits, bridles to hook, etc.
-Dental Floss: Johnson and Johnson Dentotape for securing skirts on lures.
-Snap Swivels: Heavy-duty w/stainless ball bearing swivel 200 400 lb. test
-Stainless Ball Bearing Swivels: 400 lb. test, black for tag lines, teaser lines and wind-on leaders
-Cork or plastic stoppers for rigger line.
-Gloves: For handling leaders, gaffs and fish.
-Hand Towels
-Tip Savers: Protects rod tip from snap swivel.
-Safety Lines: Prevents loss of rod and reel overboard.
-Outrigger Clips: Assorted types.
-Tag Lines: For lure fishing.
-Rubber Bands: In sizes #33, #64, #105 from any office supply.
-Large Permanent Marker: For marking bait trolling positions on your line.
-Drag Scale: Up to 50#.
-Teasers: 1 large, 1 daisy chain.
-Gaffs: 4" standard gaff (two), 6" heavy-duty tuna gaff, 8" flying gaff.
-Ballyhoo Wire: We prefer 14" Monel.
-Emergency cutters: Bolt cutters to cut large hooks.
-Sabikis: For catching bait.
-Small feathers: For catching bait.
-Tuna Hunters: Blue, silver, green, black.
-Wahoo Hunters: Black/purple, black/pink.
-Heavy-duty split rings
-Split ring pliers
-Assorted egg sinkers and other lead weights
-Rigged Lures: Various sizes and colors, we like Black Bart, Mold Craft and Pakula.
-Lure Bag: Organizes lures.
-Assorted Hooks: Live bait, lure, circle, bait, and heavy-duty treble for Tuna Hunters.
-Hook File: Nicholson Handy File is the best!
-Harness: Fighting belt/shoulder harness and seat harness.
-Reel Protectors: Prevents salt spray from entering reels.
-Fish Bag: Keeps whole fish fresh.
-Assorted plastic bags
-Reel Lube: Reel X brand
-Corrosion X
-Super Glue: For knots, lure repair, etc.
-Electrical Tape: Assorted colors for hooksets, skirts, tagging and identifying gear, etc.
-Leader Material: 650#, 500#, 400#, 200#, 150# and 80# Fluorocarbon, SS cable and/or wire.
-Extra Fishing Line: In case you need to re-spool a reel.
-Small Rope: For securing various items.
-Tape Measure: For measuring leaders and fish.
-Rods: 30 lb. up to 130 lb. class tackle personal preference.
-Reels: Shimano, Penn and Avet most popular.
-Butterfly Jigs: Also diamond jigs and other iron.
-Fishing Log: Keep track of it all!
-Tackle Box: Keep it organized!
Advanced Big Game Tackle List
-Planers: Gets your line deeper when catching bait
-Kite: Designed to present your bait with the leader out of the water.
-Balloons: For those days too calm for a kite.
-Helium: To fill balloons.
-Dacron Bridles: For attaching hook to live bait.
-10" Flying Gaffs (two) for gaffing large marlin.
-Heatshrink Tubing 3/8" & 1/2": For making hooksets.
-Heat Gun: Shrinks the heatshrink tubing.
-Billfish Bag: Large fish bag capable of holding a large blue marlin.
-Tagging Stick: To deploy scientific tags used to study fish movement.
-Livebait Needles: For rigging live bait.
-Sewing Needles: For rigging dead bait.
-De-Boner: For removing bones from dead bait.
-Knot Tool: For tying certain knots.
-Swordfish Tackle: Special tackle for special fish.
-Cyalume Sticks: For swordfishing.
-Underwater Lights: For night fishing.
-Tuna Tubes: For keeping bait tuna alive.
Most major tackle stores can take care of the basics. For some of the items you will have to go to Walgreen's, Office Depot, Home Depot, your local hardware store, welding supply, or the internet. If you have any questions about some of the tackle we've talked about or want to find out more about big game fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, visit us at our Fox Yacht Sales office at Tops-N-Towers. Fox Yacht Sales has an extensive inventory of brokerage boats as well as new CABO and Riviera Yachts. Come by and get a great deal on your next boat. For more information call our Houston sales office at 281-291-0656 or check out our website at or