Looking into the New Year

Everett Johnson
When I was younger I felt compelled to make New Year resolutions. I would start with enthusiasm to change my habits but it didn't take long to backslide on most of the promises. Before long I was just back to being me. I rationalized that some of the promises were silly anyway and nobody would think ill of me for quitting. Older and wiser I no longer lie to myself that way.

I am therefore promising no weight loss or exercise campaigns for 2011. I'll simply promise to be more active in the outdoors. If this doesn't work I'll buy new jeans and bigger waders. I will however promise to fish more and I'm definitely going to hunt more.

I gave up guiding last year, not for New Years, but because I wanted to concentrate on publishing and fishing for fun. I did fairly well maintaining a somewhat regular presence in the office but I became lazy in my fishing. I doubt I got a hundred days in and I need to be more diligent.

I no longer need my camper at the deer lease so it is now at Port Mansfield. Pam wasn't thrilled but she's finally calmed down about her boat being stored down there. This is not a New Year resolution mind you; but I promise I will fish at least fifty days in the Lower Laguna. Baffin's got a hold on me too so I'm allotting twenty days.

I am ashamed to admit I did not spend a single day chasing spring turkey last year and I hope to fix that. Therefore I'm allotting at least a four day weekend, probably to coincide with the San Antonio CCA banquet. I mean what the heck, I'll be halfway to Sonora.

Neither did I make a trip to Lake Calcasieu last year to decipher whether Capt. Bruce Baugh has been fibbing that Big Lake trout fight harder and taste spicier. So let's pencil in six or eight days for this.

I did keep my promise last year to fish Port Isabel with Capt. Ernest Cisneros and beat my best-ever snook. However since I'm planning to expand my outdoor program I'm going to double my commitment six days this year.

I barely got one limit of doves in 2010 and that's a horrible thing to have to admit. So in my plan to fix this debacle I joined three friends in purchasing a February dove trip to Argentina at the POC CCA banquet. Got a heck of deal! They tell me all you need is a tennis racket down there.

Pam has us lined up with four couples to fish the Chandeleur Islands in June. The oil spill knocked us out last year and I've had trouble sleeping since. Sure hated to miss it.

Pam has also planned a Chesapeake striper trip. She has never fished there and it has been nearly twenty-five years for me. I cannot wait until she hooks into a twenty pounder.

With all this going on I still need to keep an eye on San Antonio Bay and I need to leave tracks in the Matagorda Island surf. I have not fished with Billy Sandifer in a few years and I really need to spend a few days on Trinity Bay with Mickey Eastman.

Before you know it the 2011 deer season will be in full swing and I'll be right back at this same computer writing my resolutions, I mean plans, for 2012.

Happy New Year and God Bless!