The Outboard Motor World Is Changing

Over the last few years we have seen a shift in parts availability for all outboards, and even though that shortage situation has improved lately, some brands continue to experience severe delays or stoppages altogether. Our shop services Suzuki, Yamaha, Mercury, Evinrude, and Honda. The brands that are continuing to leave customers waiting the longest for parts or which have greatest obselence are the Mercury and Evinrude products.
Mercury Optimax and Evinrude fuel system components are currently in critically short supply. As a dealer, we do not use aftermarket parts, only OEM, unless there is simply no other alternative available.
Based upon our experience dealing with the outboard manufacturers, and being involved daily with OEM replacement part shipments and shortages, we heartily encourage customers to upgrade to the Suzuki brand when it comes time for repowering. The Suzuki warranty is now a five-year non-declining and there is up to three years additional extended warranty packages available.
Come see us and trade in your old outboard for a great value on a new Suzuki outboard motor. Financing is available. Summer is here; why continue waiting for parts that have been months on backorder?
Have a great and safe summer fishing and boating season!
Chris Mapp
Coastal Bend Marine – Port O’Connor, TX
[email protected] – 361-983-4841