Sea Foam Fuel Stabilizer

TSFMag Staff
Sea Foam Fuel Stabilizer
In this day of tough economic times, many fishermen are being forced to make fewer trips to their favorite bays. Some are teaming with friends, towing only one boat to reduce expenses when between them they might own several. Another recent problem boat owners have to contend with is found in ethanol/gasoline blends. Downtime and fuel quality are two of your engine's worst enemies.

Condensation and aging of fuels can team to stop you dead in the water, and possibly bring a high sea tow and repair bill to get everything back in working order. Given that your boat's fuel system is vented directly to the atmosphere, condensation occurs in greater amount and thus allows a greater quantity of water to accumulate in the system. Ethanol is naturally hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs atmospheric moisture very readily. So if you use ethanol/gasoline blends you get a double whammy.

Several top mechanics say they are seeing more fuel problems today than ever before and here is what they advise:

-Top off your tanks every time you store your boat. A full tank will allow less condensation to occur and therefore less moisture to enter the system.

-Use a fuel conditioner such as Sea Foam. Sea Foam will greatly diminish the formation of sludge in motor fuel that is accelerated when moisture is present. One pint will treat up to 25-gallons of gasoline or diesel.

-If your boat's fuel system is not equipped with a fuel/water separator you really need to install one. The price of a simple installation runs arouond $100, parts and labor included. You can do it yourself for about half.

-Purchase fuel from "busy" fuel depots, no use starting with old and possibly contaminated or deteriorating fuel if it can be avoided.

-Lay in a supply of fuel/water separator filters. Carry a spare in your boat. Change the filter often.

Good fishing, and don't let the downtime gremlins creep into your boat's fuel system.