Crossing the Line

If you don't already know, I call Baton Rouge home. I was born in Texas and have lived here for a number of years but nevertheless my parents live in Baton Rouge and I lived a significant part of my life there. I say all of that to say that it stands to reason that I make a trip home now and again to see my folks and old friends.
Well anyone who knows me knows that if a hunting, golfing, or fishing excursion is thrown into the event schedule, I am more easily swayed to make the trek to Cajun country. Recently I was lured into a trip over there by my good buddy Laurent. He actually owed me a fishing trip, being that he promised one as a gift for being in his wedding. Anyway, we finally got a date set and made it happen.
The trip was to be with a guide out of Lafitte. I was loaded up and ready to go before I left for work the Friday eve of our fishing date. After work I made the journey into the swamp state and managed a few short hours of sleep before our 2:15AM alarms went off. From Baton Rouge, Laurent and I had to pick up another buddy who would be joining us. A quick stop to get him in New Orleans and we were on our way to the boat ramp.
We beat the guide to the dock but only had to wait a few minutes as the sun began to creep up. It really was funny to be in a fishing boat after so many consecutive kayaking journeys. It's obvious that a boat gets you to and fro in a more expeditious fashion but nevertheless when you are accustomed to slow-poking in a kayak, the boat trip was impressive.
After a 15 minute ride or so we approached our first grass line. Throwing soft plastics on 1/4oz jigheads we worked the shoreline for a couple hundred yards. No luck. Guide was ready to move so we jetted through the marsh to another spot. Second cast yielded a nice red.
For the most part this pattern made up the day. We ended up landing 16 nice reds. Perhaps I shouldn't say we since I didn't actually catch anything. However, I was relaxed and just enjoying the action the other guys had while simultaneously enjoying the outdoors as I always do. Overall I had a great time. Any time on the water is a blessing.
I will say it was very interesting (different) having a guide. He and I came to an understanding early on that I would use my own gear and tend to myself. Another observation is that the Gulf marsh along Louisiana isn't all that much different than the Texas coast, once you get back in there. Had I not known any different I would say it is essentially the same terrain. All in all it was a good day with good friends, enjoying the out of doors. Success.
I will be back in the kayak ASAP. Until next time; tight lines!
Well anyone who knows me knows that if a hunting, golfing, or fishing excursion is thrown into the event schedule, I am more easily swayed to make the trek to Cajun country. Recently I was lured into a trip over there by my good buddy Laurent. He actually owed me a fishing trip, being that he promised one as a gift for being in his wedding. Anyway, we finally got a date set and made it happen.
The trip was to be with a guide out of Lafitte. I was loaded up and ready to go before I left for work the Friday eve of our fishing date. After work I made the journey into the swamp state and managed a few short hours of sleep before our 2:15AM alarms went off. From Baton Rouge, Laurent and I had to pick up another buddy who would be joining us. A quick stop to get him in New Orleans and we were on our way to the boat ramp.
We beat the guide to the dock but only had to wait a few minutes as the sun began to creep up. It really was funny to be in a fishing boat after so many consecutive kayaking journeys. It's obvious that a boat gets you to and fro in a more expeditious fashion but nevertheless when you are accustomed to slow-poking in a kayak, the boat trip was impressive.
After a 15 minute ride or so we approached our first grass line. Throwing soft plastics on 1/4oz jigheads we worked the shoreline for a couple hundred yards. No luck. Guide was ready to move so we jetted through the marsh to another spot. Second cast yielded a nice red.
For the most part this pattern made up the day. We ended up landing 16 nice reds. Perhaps I shouldn't say we since I didn't actually catch anything. However, I was relaxed and just enjoying the action the other guys had while simultaneously enjoying the outdoors as I always do. Overall I had a great time. Any time on the water is a blessing.
I will say it was very interesting (different) having a guide. He and I came to an understanding early on that I would use my own gear and tend to myself. Another observation is that the Gulf marsh along Louisiana isn't all that much different than the Texas coast, once you get back in there. Had I not known any different I would say it is essentially the same terrain. All in all it was a good day with good friends, enjoying the out of doors. Success.
I will be back in the kayak ASAP. Until next time; tight lines!