It’s On Now!

It has always been my habit to delay penning this column until just before the final electronic upload of files to the printer. Part of this is my natural tendency to procrastinate; I jokingly tell my staff I'm better under pressure. And while is partly true, if there is any justification in waiting it would be the fact that if I wait to participate in final proofing, all the content is fresh in my mind as I write, and I can also include late-breaking news and events.

So we just finished proofing this issue and an email arrived from CCA regarding the re-opening of Cedar Bayou. See what I mean? The long-awaited reconnection of Mesquite Bay with the Gulf of Mexico has been narrowed down to two days in the middle of next week–God willing and barring dangerous weather. Had I written this earlier I would have missed being able to include this great news. Score one for being a procrastinator!

Seriously though, the years of hard work in project planning and efforts to seek funding by Aransas County Commissioners Court and CCA Texas and many dedicated volunteers will come to fruition as the gulf current sweeps through the freshly dredged channel. CCA Texas has contracted for a 60-passenger vessel that will carry members of their Executive Board and other invitees to the project work site to witness the great event. I plan to be onboard and I'm certain there will be much celebration and cheering as the rush of water carries away the final remnants of silt that have been blocking this historic pass for more than a decade.

Another benefit of procrastinating was the arrival of the first serious front of the fall season. I am writing this on Monday morning September 15 and this past Friday evening, Teal Season Eve, (if you will), we were blessed with a real game changer, weather-wise. Nearly seven inches of rain fell at my place as the season's first real norther came crashing to the coast.

By the time a long and hot Texas summer yields to October's lovely changes, anglers and other outdoors-types are usually growing callouses on their prayer knees. Friday night's front, though, that was a good one, and I believe it will hasten the traditionally drawn-out transition. The daytime highs have not been above 80 for three days. The weather guessers say more rain is likely this week but do not let that dampen your spirits. As soon as the north wind swings 'round to the east-southeast and the skies clear, I will lay money we are going to find a very rejuvenated inshore fishery. If fish could talk I'd also lay money that they're as tired of summer as we are.

As the saying goes "It's on now!"