Welcome to the First Full Month of Summer!

Ready or not, summer has arrived in all it’s glory. Fishing opportunities abound as anglers and angling families rush to the coast. Having held the job of this publication’s editor more than twenty years, I do not recall ever receiving as many favorable fishing reports from our team of contributing writers – covering every region, bay system, surf, and nearshore gulf. Two words; blessed and thankful, keep popping into my head. We are definitely blessed to be able to enjoy such bounty, and we should be forever thankful for the efforts of TPWD and all the conservation organizations that have lent vision, hard work, and undying effort to help accomplish it. It wasn’t always this way; and it is now our responsibility in stewardship to endeavor to further conserve these resources for future generations.

A great step forward was accomplished recently in the management of our oyster fishery, and I want to direct your attention to the article from CCA Texas in this issue:

Signed by Governor Abbott on May 27, 2023, Senate Bill 1032 will go into effect on September 1, 2023, providing Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and stakeholders with the opportunity to develop a new(ish) program – The expansion and creation of on-bottom oyster leases. This bill is a common-sense approach that will provide stability, certainty, and increased business opportunities for the oyster industry, as well as substantial restoration opportunities for conservation organizations.

This is landmark stuff, folks. Whether or not you might be aware, oysters are far more than a seafood delicacy. They create an incredible network of habitat vital to the health of more than half of Texas bays, including the spotted seatrout and red drum we covet so dearly. They also greatly enhance water quality and contribute to literally hundreds of other species so vital to the maintenance of the marine food chain. It’s been a long time coming and I salute all who played a role in this accomplishment. Be sure to read the full article. Like I said, this is landmark stuff.

July is going to be a busy month on the water and I would be remiss if I did not offer encouragement for everybody to be on their best behavior and respect the rights of their fellow anglers and boaters. Little things, like making sure all your gear is onboard before backing down the launch ramp. Switching off your headlights while launching, so you don’t blind the guy in the other lane. Slow down in busy sections of channels. Yield right-of-way, even if you’re in the right. Last but not least…don’t crowd your fellow angler.

Have a Safe and Happy Independence Day!