Eared Grebe

-Podiceps nigricollis-Breeding plumage has blackish neck and golden ears.  Dusky above and white below in winter.  Nests in large fresh...

American Coot

-Fulica Americana-Nests in freshwater marshes of northern latitudes.  Winters in fresh and saltwater marsh and bays of southern US states. ...


-Charadrius vociferous-A slim, long-tailed, small headed and billed plover of medium size, common throughout North America.  Double black breast bands...

Least Bittern

-Ixobrychus exilis-The Least Bittern is one of the world's smallest herons. A secretive resident of dense marsh, often seen straddling...

Cinnamon Teal

-Anas cyanoptera-  Present in Texas coastal region October through March.  Frequents lakes, marshes, estuaries and small ponds. Head, neck and...