More Food, More Tentacles!

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Imagine if gorging on Thanksgiving dinner and the week’s leftovers caused you to grow an extra arm instead of adding...

Zombie Microbes from the Deep

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Scientists have known for years that microorganisms exist throughout the ancient layers of sediment hundreds of feet below the ocean’s...

Loggerheads Share Their Homes

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
You’ve probably heard, “a turtle carries its home on its back”, but the shells of loggerhead sea turtles are home...

Counting Whale Sharks’ Ages

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Many people are familiar with the annual growth rings in tree trunks. Most fishes have similar features in their bodies;...

Mother Lagoon

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Laguna Madre — Mother Lagoon — is one of the saltiest bodies of water on the planet. The narrow lagoon...

Earth Day 50th Anniversary

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
By the late 1960s, many Americans were getting fed up with bad news about the environment. A book early in...

Hitching a Ride on a Shark

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Anyone who has tried to hitch a ride on a moving train knows it’s all about getting a really good...

A Feast for Cuttlefish Eyes

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
The last time you saw a film in 3D, you probably weren’t grabbing for a tasty meal that seemed to...