Putting the Ancients to the Test

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Bowhead whales and Greenland sharks can live up to two centuries, and century-old Galapagos giant tortoises are just young adults....

The Power to See

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
A disguise only works if others can’t detect it, whether on land or under the sea. Mirror-like scales help many...

A Contagious Cancer for Clams

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Cancer isn’t generally contagious, but the leukemia ravaging some soft shell clam populations on the East Coast has broken that...

Dining on Danger

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Dining on a jellyfish may not seem too appetizing to most creatures, considering the danger of getting stung. But these...

The Secrets of Hagfish Slime

University of Texas Marine Science Institute
The hagfish is one of those animals that scientists aren’t quite sure how to classify. These bottom-feeders have a skull...