Capt. Caleb Harp has fished the Galveston Bay System since childhood and, now a charter captain and fishing guide, he uses his knowledge to enable clients to enjoy the excellent fishing the area offers. His specialty is the year-around pursuit for trophy trout and redfish with artificial lures.
January can definitely be considered winter. As much as we wanted to call December winter, we were wearing flip-flops and...
As we approach December, we need to remember that we live in Texas. Some mornings might be cold but we...
November brings a much awaited weather pattern for big trout enthusiasts. Each cold front will stage fish shallower over mud...
There's not a better month, in my opinion, than October. As the first few cold snaps start to configure our...
September brings coastal anglers a well-deserved break from August's excruciating heat, even if just a little. September also brings other...
The rivers are receding and the bay is turning greener by the day. I almost hate to say this seems...
Seems that ever since I began writing this column sixteen months ago, all I ever get to talk about is...
Summer at last. Drifting deep shell or wet-wading sand flats at sunrise, sunburns and fired-up fish giving their location away...
Timing has been everything lately. Traditionally, though, April is always like this. You can go where there are fish and...
Galveston Bays have been in full spring pattern for a while now, at least a month ahead of schedule. Ol'...