Chuck fishes Sabine and Calcasieu Lakes from his home in Orange, TX. His specialties are light tackle and fly fishing for trout, reds, and flounder.
Sooner or later it happens, the unexpected becomes reality and we are suddenly faced with some difficult decisions that test...
The familiar sound of the garage door opener breaks the silence of the morning as it rattles along the tracks...
Several years ago I made a couple of great life decisions concerning my family and my fishing. My son, Hunter,...
You ever wonder what a Crayola 64-Pack, Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors, and Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Assortments have in common? The...
According to Webster a nomad is a person or member of a tribe that has no permanent home, wanders about...
Perhaps one of the greatest things about Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine is the unique and diverse information, stories, and techniques...
Pardon me for just one moment while I steal a line from Texas country music singer, Roger Creager. "It's the...
Everybody has heard the old saying "jack of all trades and master of none" an obvious reference to knowing a...
Try as I might, events that have occurred on my boat over the years make better tales than any I...
No, I'm not talking about those extra pounds around your middle; this is about fishing.If you happen to pay attention...